Because our knives are made of high-carbon/high-chromium forged alloy tool steel, they will go significantly longer than the knives on most "bargain" chippers without sharpening. How long an edge lasts will vary widely with the hardness of the wood you chip and how much material you process. But, as with a chainsaw, you'll know when it's time: if the chipper "bogs down", and/or vibrates, or if you find you need to force material downward into the chipper chute, it's usually a sign that the knife is dulling.
While our chipper knives can be professionally sharpened, you don't want your work to come to a halt while you take care of that. Switching a Rapid-Feed chipper blade takes about 15 minutes, and requires only basic tools.
Please note the Serial Number range for the 12 HP Towable Chipper. For Chippers with Serial Numbers
before 01077T and 01202E, you will need Knife Kit #16761 (two knives).
For Chippers with Serial Numbers
after 01219T and 01495E, you will need Knife Kit #16762 (one knife).
This knife kit is also for:
- All 12 HP Chipper/Shredders
- 18 HP Chipper/Shredders, with Serial Numbers after #01022SC.
- 18 HP Chipper/Shredder Model# CS184 (Ser# 01000SC To Current, SN will end with "SC") CSR 180 (CS1)
- 12 HP Chipper Shredder SC183-->CS1 12HP
- 12HP Chipper Model# C12-C122-C122E-C123E-CHP (CP1)E/S SN 01202E-01495E, M/S SN 01077T-01219T start 2003, unclear end date.
- 21 FPT SN Begins with "G" CSR 21 CS27050 (CS2) produced 2015-2017